Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Weekly Weigh In

I finally buckled down with my diet last week.  The day after Easter!  What a better day to start fresh, right? So, of course I had to try and eat all of my Easter candy and favorite brunch leftovers before bed.  Not a good idea!  
It was tough that first week.  It always is, but I pushed on through.  I was happily successful at sticking to my food plan at lunch on Friday when I went to lunch with my mom and daughter.  I so wanted some of Cracker Barrel's Dumplings.  Oh well, someday, but not today!  
I was rewarded for my hard work when I weighed in at my TOPS meeting Monday with a 7.4 weight loss!  Yay!  Plus, I'm back down to my previous weight loss number so my losses will now start counting again towards being the biggest loser of the week.  
I managed to get my measurements down this Monday night.  I can't wait to see my numbers drop next month!  I can feel the difference in my clothes already!

Weight Loss:  7.4 pounds
Exercise:  None

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