Friday, April 29, 2016

Avoiding Diet Burnout!

Motivational tips to help stick to your diet.

It always seems like there's a time for me, after I've been on a weight loss plan for a few weeks, that I experience a lull in my motivation to stick to my diet.  It's not that I haven't lost weight.  I may have even noticed a difference in how my clothes fit.  I'm just tired of 'dieting'.  I start thinking about how it isn't 'fair' that I can't just eat like a normal person and be a normal size.  I want to not have to think about what I put in my mouth.  

I love cooking and preparing special foods for my loved ones.  But I can't do that anymore without gaining weight.  So I have to change how I think about food.  Below I have listed several ways to keep myself on track.  

Motivational Tips For Sticking To Your Diet

  • Keep a positive mindset.  Concentrate on your accomplishments and not on your limitations.  Your self talk should be "Another pound down!" or "I stuck to my food plan today!"  Not "Only a half a pound!"  or I have ______ more pounds to lose!"  That last one can be especially daunting if you have a lot of weight you need to get off.

  • Eat on a schedule.  If you have planned times of the day you eat your main meals and when you eat your snacks, you are less likely to forget to eat and it will keep you from being overly hungry when you get around to eating.  

  • Don't eat in front of the TV.  We started eating in front of the TV about 4 years ago when my daughter and her family moved in with us for a while.  It's been about 3 years since they moved out, however, we still do it.  Even though eating while watching a program is enjoyable it also can cause you to overeat because you're not paying attention to what and how much you are eating.  

  • Use clothing as an incentive.  Pick out an old pair of jeans or another piece of clothing that you would like to eventually get back into, or buy something new.  Hang it on the back of your bedroom door where you can see it every day.  Try it on every week and watch yourself get closer to fitting into it.  

  • Post inspirational quotes.  Pick out some quotes that are inspirational to you and stick them up around the house to encourage you.  Some places to put them could be your bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, or next to your door so you can be reminded as you leave the house.  

  • Journal.  A food journal is a good thing to keep so that you can see what you've eaten over the past week or months and it can be a good guide to help you realize what has worked for you and what hasn't.  But writing down how you feel, how you handled situations throughout the day, and how your clothes are fitting will help remind you how you felt at a larger weight.  As I lose my weight I tend to forget how it was nearly impossible to do certain things when I was heavier or how my breathing is better now. 

  • Chart your progress.  I weigh myself everyday.  Not because I am super reliant on what the scale says, but so that I can keep myself accountable.  I record my weight on a weight chart that I keep on my refrigerator.  Also, I have an Inches Lost chart.  On this I record my measurements in four week increments.  Both of these charts help keep me aware of how well I'm doing.  I will have these charts for you soon.

  • Reward yourself. Plan a special treat for yourself when you hit a goal.  Things like a new piece of jewelry or an article of clothing.  Don't choose food treats. They can sabotage your good efforts and cause you to backtrack your weight loss.  I have come up with a Motivational Game that helps me 'earn' things.  I'll share it with you all in a later post.  

  • Approach your diet one day at a time  Approach every day as a new day on your diet.  The slate is wiped clean.  Make good choices.  

  • As Sybil Ferguson says in her book, The Diet Center Program,
You Create the Success in Your Life

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