Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Weekly Weigh In

Well, I didn't make it to TOPS last night but since I weigh myself every day I'll use yesterday morning's weight.  I was up 4 pounds!  This morning, however, I was down 2.5.  I wish our TOPS meetings were on Tuesday so we could have an extra day to recover from the weekend. 

I seem to always be off my food plan Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!  I have great intentions and they don't seem to come to fruition.  Beginning with Friday lunch, I tried to make good choices.  I did stick with chicken and had a Salad from Rib Crib.  However, I also had ranch dressing, plenty of those tortilla strip croutons and added a cheese quesadilla roll-up.  Yes, I shared with my grandson but he ate way less of it than I did!  

And Friday night was me and Tim's date night so of course we ate out at Plaza De Toros.   We both had the Carne Asada.  With too many chips because they were busy and kept bringing them to us before we got our meal.  I am proud of the fact that I was successful in not ordering a margarita.  They looked so good though!

We had our granddaughter over to spend the night on Saturday and since it was late by the time we picked her up we ate at Chick-Fil-A per her request.  Although I think the only reason she wanted to go there was to play in the play area.  It was different than the one by her house so she kept telling me what was wrong with this one, lol.  She ate four chicken nuggets and the two strawberries and four blueberries she had in her fruit cup and then ran off to play.  I had the chicken sandwich and waffle fries.  Was a bad choice, but it tasted good.  

Sunday I fixed a healthy, albeit not on my diet, meal and consumed too many penguin cheese crackers I had left over from last night.  So I shouldn't have been too surprised I had gained.  I don't know why I seem to have no restraint on the weekends! 

How did your week turn out?

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