Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Weekly Weigh In

This weekend was a little rocky for staying on my food plan beginning with Friday morning's uncooperative scale.  The silly thing kept showing me different weights every time I stood on it.  Out of the 4 pound range it was giving me I finally chose the lower one which was still one pound up from the previous day.  I attribute that gain to not feeling like eating a salad the day before and possibly those fake crab legs that have 15 carbs in a serving.  Carbs, in a protein!!  

This was also a Friday that my husband has off from work.  We went driving around looking at houses and ended up eating out for lunch.  I didn't do too bad.  We went to Senior Salsa. I ate some chips with the salsa and a half of a tamale with a half of a taco salad. And. Then. We ate out for dinner.  Man I love me some Mexican food!  Dinner was at El Tequila.  I was not as on plan for dinner.  I not only ate more chips and salsa but I ate beef, rice, beans, and cheese!!  

I tried Saturday to hop back on the wagon but slipped a little again.  While taking my daughter out to find shoes for prom we ate out at Chick-Fil-A.  I did really well there.  I had the 8 piece grilled chicken nuggets and a side salad with light Italian dressing.  So far so good!  Then came dinner.  My husband, daughter and I ate out again.  This time at Logan's Roadhouse.  We had an appetizer.  My fault.  I suggested it.  Fried pickles, mmmmm.  And a bite of a buttered roll.  And some peanuts.  The chicken breast and grilled mushrooms were both tasty and on plan but the rice, not so much.  I only ate about 1/2 cup, so not too bad, and the Caesar salad was questionable on dressing calories.  

My exercise this last week was also spotty.  I only walked twice for a total of probably 1/4 of a mile.  However, I did play tennis with Tim!  I had this as my goal for last month.  He bought those rackets and tennis balls at least 2 years ago!   My back screamed at me the next day from picking up missed balls, but it was fun when we did knock the ball over the net.  

My weigh in at TOPS showed me a weight loss of one pound.  All in all I am happy with my progress in spite of my food plan discrepencies.  It's a new week.  Time to buckle down and stay on plan!  

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