Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Weekly Weigh In

I'm surprised and happy about my .8 weight loss!  I did not always heed my own advice at restaurants and ended up eating out at a LOT of them!  

Tim was home all week.  Even though I/we had planned to stay on plan and eat at home all week our plans were waylaid.  The first couple of days we were on track but then on Wednesday we ate out at McDonald's for lunch while driving around looking for potential properties.  The Bacon Ranch Salad was close to being on plan.  I'm trying to avoid tomatoes, carrots, cheese, and that GLORIOUS bacon, but I ate it all, along with a half of a package of Ranch dressing.  

Along came Thursday and my daughter and grandlittles came over for the morning.  We went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant.  I used my tip of eating six tortilla chips (more or less) as a bread serving and had a fajita chicken taco salad.  More off plan foods--sour cream, guacamole, more tomatoes, too many cooked onions--but not too far off.  And we had Mexican for dinner at another restaurant.  I had Chicken Asada while eyeing Tim's Carne Asada.  Beef is my main meat love aside from bacon, of course!

Saturday I was running around with my daughter helping her get ready for her senior prom. 
Here's a picture of her and her date.  

I didn't have time for lunch so I ate a hot dog. Then I was too tired for fixing supper so we ate out again at, you guessed it, another Mexican restaurant!  If I could learn to speak Spanish by osmosis just by eating at Mexican restaurants I'd be quite fluent by now.  I just couldn't resist that Carne Asada and I enjoyed every bite!  However, I stuck to no rice or beans every time and had grilled vegetables instead.  

Then came Sunday!  Welcome to the Dark Side, they have cookies pizza!  Tim cooked and we were low on groceries so we had fried Treet, fried potatoes and the obligatory green beans for lunch.  He made pizza for dinner with a croissant crust.  Luckily I didn't give in and voice my want for ice cream!  I was starting to feel dumpy and out of control again.  I'm glad I was able to hoist myself back up on the wagon.  I intend to stay there, too, as long as my daughter will keep from making her blueberry danishes!

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