Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 4

It's so very HOT!!!  My plan of walking every night with my husband has been difficult to keep up this week.  The temperatures here have been in the mid to high 90s all week with heat indexes up to 115 degrees.  So, I haven't been really eager to walk in the evening.  However, I did manage to get in 15 minutes of walking both last night and tonight.  I realize 15 minutes isn't a lot, but my legs are severely out of shape since my heel surgeries of several years ago and I get heat exhaustion easily.  The air is so hot and heavy!  

Anyway, I was wanting to share a good chicken recipe I made last night.  I got it out of The Comfort Food Diet Cookbook c 2009.  I followed the recipe as is, except I didn't add the chopped pecans because I have some family members that wouldn't like that.  

The recipe can be found here Spinach and Mushroom Smothered Chicken.  

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I was already using the Weight Watcher's online program when my sister-in-law asked me if I'd go with her to join TOPS (a non-profit weight-loss group, Taking Off Pounds Sensibly).  I've been a member of TOPS before so I agreed.  I knew we could both use the support.  At first I thought I'd just continue using the Points Plus program, but seeing the TOPS diet is built on the Food Exchange Plan made me interested in re-visiting this method of dieting.  I had really good success with that plan in the past.  
The Points Plus system is easy to figure out, apparently too easy for me since I tend to include many foods that are in the gray area of healthy.  This has probably led to my sad looking weight loss so far.  
So, I've decided to jump on the Food Exchanges diet bandwagon to see if I can mirror my success of past years and I am going to journal my progress here. I also hope I can help you, my readers, with inspiration, tips, recipes, and more along the way!  So let's get started Winning the Weighting Game!